Friday, August 21, 2009

My Guest Room

Over the years, I've placed much of my vintage furniture and collectables in my guest room and it has evolved into my favorite spot in the house. When Mom would come to visit (before she moved in full-time) she'd always call the guest room the "Victorian Room" and would often find little gifts for me that she'd designate for the room. I also have gorgeous formal photographs of my greatgrandparents and grandmother on the wall, as well as other special adornments. Sometimes I'll just go in and sit on the bed to enjoy my "stuff" and of course sooner or later the cats jump up with me and the dogs lay down alongside. It's a calming space.

I've had this brass daybed for years and years and cannot quite believe that Mike & I both slept in it in the early stages of our relationship! (We've both "widened" along the way.) There's a sweet Rachel Ashwell coverlet, lots of pretty throw pillows, and a flouncy pink bedskirt that was originally envisioned for a little girl's bedroom. The pink "lump" at the foot of the bed is a darling teddy bear made from a vintage pink chenille bedspread. (Click on any of the photos for a closer view).

I bought this dresser and mirror at a thrift store in Illinois and my brother-in-law John refinished it. He did a beautiful job! That's my grandmother's portrait on the right. Boogie often sleeps in this room as she did when Mom was here.

A darling little table with brass-tipped legs from Habitat for Humanity with my poodle collection. Can you see the PeeWee Herman action figures on the shelf (next to a very tacky Santa on a Harley)? Konky! Chairy! Cowboy Curtis! Magic Screen! Globey! King of Cartoons! (and more). I THINK I have nearly all of them.

Lovely dark wood antique rocking chair Mom bought at a country auction. Her knitting needles and yarn are in the white basket.

An antique child's rocking chair and a very very old pair of leather baby shoes.
I think I'll go make myself a cup of tea and spend a little more time in my "Victorian Room" before I head out for the day . . .